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The Trilogy...

RiteofPassage CollectionThe Great Depression. The South. Young Jacob's story unfolds during a difficult time, in the unforgiving south, a hard place for an African-American boy, Jacob Pete Manor, as he embarks upon his personal journey — his Rite of Passage.

Fourth and final child, born to a family of sharecroppers from the rural area of Fayetteville North Carolina, Jacob uncovers pertinent life truths that involve mother-son over-bonding, betrayal, abandonment, sexual explorations, misconceptions of “manhood,” and other crucial challenges and milestones which ultimately lead Jacob to becoming the man God destined him to be.

Jacob was a dreamer, with very high aspirations, whose ambitions exceeded the scope of what a climate of segregation, inadequate school systems, and a mind set of inferiority dictated for a young African-American male.

BOYS to MEN! The Journey — Rite of Passage —  of protagonist, Jacob Peter Manor.

His successes, failures, and life’s ultimate lessons helped him uncover the true meaning of "manhood." Jacob’s challenges and uniquely orchestrated stages of his life produced a far greater outcome than expected.
